About treater
Every day, treaters have an incredible influence over our health and wellbeing. The challenge has always been how to choose the right one for you. We’ve made it our mission to make that choice easier through the Treater app.
Latest articles
Shoulder pains from exercise?
Inflammation and rotator cuffs One of the most common injuries when exercising is developing pain in the shoulders. This is most often due to one’s rotator cuffs being inflamed. There is an incredible number of us who simply accept that the pain is in the shoulders, but with the…
Skuldersmerter øvelser med elastik
Skuldersmerter øvelser mod betændelse i skulderen og rotatormanchetten En af de mest almindelige skader ved træning er at have ondt i skuldrene. Det skyldes som oftest af ens rotator cuffs (rotatormanchetten) er inflammeret. Der er utroligt mange af os som blot accepterer at den smerte sidder i skuldrene, men…
All Treaters in one place
We have made it easy for you to find your next treater, by gathering them all in one place.